Wednesday, January 23, 2013

3D Week 11

3D Tennis Ball

This is an animation of a tennis ball going over the net.

This is an animation of a tennis ball going over the net and then bounce off the court.

3D Bouncing Ball

An animation of a bouncing ball with a squash and stretch effect.

1) Why is squash and stretch so useful in animation?
Squash and stretch are very useful in animation because it allows the animation to look even more realistic.The factors for the squash and stretch can determine the animation to look real or cartoon.

2) Think of a situation in which extreme squash and stretch could be applied to a character - try to be original.
A situation in which extreme squash and stretch could be applied to a character will be when the character is jumping or hopping.For example, a bunny that hops across the garden. It will be stretched when in the air and squashed when it hops to the ground.

3) Think of an animation example where squash and stretch would NOT be appropriate
An example will be when a ball is rolling on the ground.This situation does not require a squash and stretch effect as there are no force or pressure that is exerted to the ground.

4) If squash and stretch doesn't really happen so obviously in real life, why do you think is it so effective in animation? 

We could not really see the squash and stretch effect in real life.But in animation, it is so effective because it creates an illusion of force being exerted to the ground(squash) and gravity pull to the air(stretch).

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