Sunday, October 28, 2012

Exercise 3

  • BLOG!
    Prisons are meant to be scary, powerful looking places, while Toontown is meant for fun and childlike enjoyment – how is this reflected in the lines and angles of the buildings?

The first two pictures are the prisons. It is much more right angular and have sharp edges as compared to the  the pictures below them, the toontowns, that have rounded and edges. The prisons are mostly made up of the primitive shape cuboid.It is also less detailed as compared to the toontowns that are made up of a mixtures of primitive shapes such as cylinders and prisms.Most of the it's edges are curved to give a sense of relaxation and less strict where else the prisons give a sense of seriousness and strict. The design of the prisons are constant and uniformed unlike the toontowns which have popped-out details that can be attracting to the kids' eyes.

  • How does the sense of scale reflect the different purposes of the prisons and Toontown?
 The prisons are much more bigger and wider in scale as there could be many prisoners living in them to to serve their sentences.Furthermore, the prisons have more compartments and room/cells as compared to the toontowns. The toontowns are built smaller to give the sense of coziness for the children to play. Also, toontowns are specially meant for children, therefore it was built in that scale as children are smaller in terms of their height and size as compared to adult. If it was bigger, it would probably look more likely like an adult theme park instead of kids'.

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