Thursday, February 7, 2013

Principles of animation

The movement of the body shows a natural way of gaining momentum.Before people throw a ball or an item, the body would slightly turn to gain the force and the speed of the object.

Creating Holds

Exaggeration is action that are loud, violent and wild.It is mostly used when there's a great impact or force being put on an object.In this video, it shows that the 'slapping' is a very powerful force that creates an great impact.

Momentum will carry parts of the body past the stopping point.In this case, it would be the ponytail that swings from left to right.The ponytail does'nt stop at the same time when she stops.

This shows overshoot as she throws her arms out before pointing out her fingers.The arm will anticipate the move before the action starts.


Squash and stretch
When there are force exerted to the ball, it will 'squash'. If there's a gravity pull, the ball will stretch.Even if we can't see the squashing and stretching with our own eyes,this principle creates an impactful effect to a bouncing ball.


Secondary Action

This is one of the fundamentals of good posing.If an action is presented so that its outline is clear,it's actions will be clear as well.One advantage of using this principle, human's eye tends to catch contrast easily.Therefore, silhouettes can get attention of people with no doubt.

Strong line of action
It would look much more convincing when the body arcs back when throwing the ball than just the arm swinging.It can create the of power being put into when throwing the ball.

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